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The DPI Academy Launch

We hosted the online launch of ‘The DPI Academy’, on 19 June, 2024. In an era where digital transformation initiatives are reshaping the global landscape, the potential for Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) to foster equitable and sustainable development is immense. To successfully leverage DPI to transform society, it is necessary to build, and at times, rethink the strategic capacity requirements for designing, implementing, and governing DPI.

The event commenced with a keynote address by R. Chandrashekhar, former Secretary, Department of Telecommunication, Government of India, and former President, National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM).

This was followed by a panel discussion on ‘Building Strategic Capacities for a Digital Future’. The discussion covered the critical aspects of building technical, institutional, and governance capacities in the DPI approach to digital transformation from various stakeholder perspectives.

Our panellists included Deepti Mukerjee, Chief Executive Officer, National Health Authority; Liv Marte Nordhaug, Chief Executive Officer, DPG Alliance; Manish Srivastava, Chief Technology Officer, eGov Foundation; N.S.N. Murty, Government and Public Services Consulting Leader, Deloitte; and S.N. Tripathi, Director General, Indian Institute of Public Administration. Keyzom Ngodup Massally, Head of Digital Programming, UNDP Chief Digital Office moderated the discussion.

July 29

Roundtable hosted by Princeton Chadha Centre for Global India